
Kirja vastus Jordaanisast

15.01.2011 |

hello my friend

how are u I hope u are fine
1- u have 2 or 3 performances just
2 - u stay in same hotel many group in hotel and next hotel many group
3 - the performances inside
4- about fee before this year we no take fee but this year u know the problem in the world
and in Jordan any place u must pay fee like Petra city
jarash city dead see I dont like that but I,m so sorry about that
u must Enjoy in Jordan no problem and our ministry no give us money for festival
so sorry about fee welcome to Jordan
regard Bajes
not we pay for hotel for food for bus

--- On Thu, 1/13/11, kannel <> wrote:

From: kannel <>
Subject: from Estonia
Date: Thursday, January 13, 2011, 6:14 PM

Dear Mr Nabhan

The Estonian Folk Group Kannel from Estonia would like to ask some

questions about the festival.

1. How many and how long performances are we going to have? Are they

indoors or outdoors?

2. Did we understand right that our group will stay in two different

hotels? Is it possible to arrange our stay in one hotel? It would be easier to move from place to place together.

3. About the participation fee – we have tried to find sponsors but we haven't found any. In our region the economic situation is not so good at the moment and travelling to Jordan is very expensive. Are there any concessions for this case?

4. About the visas – where can a citizen of the European Union get a visa and how much is it?


Folkdance group Kannel