Jordaania asub Lähis-Idas, kus valitseb poolkuiv kliima. Keskmine temperatuur suvel on 30°C ümber ja talvel 13°C ümber.
Parim aeg külastada on kevadest sügiseni.
Pealinn ‘Ammān
Pindala 92 300 km2
Riigikeel(ed) araabia
Rahvaarv 6 269 300 (2010)
Rahvastiku tihedus 68,4 in/km2
Riigikord konstitutsiooniline monarhia
Kuningas ‘Abd Allāh II
Peaminister Samīr ar-Rifā‘ī
Iseseisvus 25. mai 1946
(...)Dear Folklore Friend,
Welcome to Nepal – Heaven on Earth.
We got many emails from abroad to interest to participate in our the 6th International Folk Festival 2012 will be held in various city of Nepal from March 9th to March 18th 2012, organized by Everest Nepal Cultural Group.
Still you are interest to participate in our festival, please send us your group profile as soon as possible.